αήИı€♥ ~intro

有些人的人生是直达车 有些人却是慢车 中间总要经过许多站,经历许多人 ❤


Statdium Bukit Jalil

wooow!!!Just back form statdium yoo....hehe:)
but me not happy lehh at statdium:(?
hard to say....
i really dun want share you all wor?
sorry lehh???:(
i also feel very hurt because cannot share with you all...
i'm regret to go statdium today....
hahaha...okay la,i share abit with you all la:)

Just now luu...
the guy dunno why suddenly dun chat with me...
and angry me?
he fierce face vary scary lehhh....
so so so scary:(
is't i'm hurt him first?
No!!Not me!Is he think too much right??
so thats why today no take pic luu...haizz..
lazy to continue jorr la...
dun talk this jor...:)
batter faster forget today that thing:)hehe...

[chin kha leong]

OHHHH....Tomorrow he want back ipoh le....So,today is our last day see you....but you haven berlanjar me eat thing lehhh???说话不算话de chin kha leong!!!!haiyaya.........haha...but never mind la....now also last day lor...no time to berlanjar me,next time lor....hahahaa...want say bout what lehh??Ummm...hehe,just now lehhh at statdium we chat so many things...i ask you answer luu....

Just in statdium i ask you about jin faii,jin yew,janjuin,laswon,onn khee,jin hao,andd???????ting wei,yong kit....gehhh shortcomings and benefits luu...i ask you answer luu...because you临走之前应该是要说真心话的吗right?ahahahahaha...cuase nothing to talk,then talk bout that luu...you say alot ''FAN SHU'' lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!不认真的人!i hate that....but never mind luuu...我做好人体谅你咯....wakakakakazz..but finally you also got say good thing la...Especially jin faii and jin yew luu...you say 你当他们已经是很好的兄弟...hahahaa...then good luu..:)

Then i ask you,we 7person is't like famliy like that?hahahahaha....but i forget you say what jorr?Aiyaa...dun care la...ahaha...Last i wanna to tell you take care yourself at ipoh luu...dun forget me,onn khee,soh poh,soh lou,jin faii,jin hao,lawson,xxx and and and luu...more becarefull luu...hehe...

so bye bye la my FRIEND!hope can see you again luu..:)


chat with [小公主]Little Princess

[小公主]Little Princess-跟踪者