αήИı€♥ ~intro

有些人的人生是直达车 有些人却是慢车 中间总要经过许多站,经历许多人 ❤


tomorrow [exam]

wuuu..tomorrow got school...haizz...need early wake up again!zzz...tomorrow have exam....umm...today also nothing happened,just got 1 something happened,hahaha...benjamin,alvin thay all go koperasi steal ice-cream..hahaha,then let teacher saw and let en ikuan scold....aiyoo..so hor lin ar?

and.....after school,kah leong waiting me lor,then he look like no mood like that,and that time i ask him one question he cha dian want scold me lor,scare me...then alson dunno say what then he get kha leong scold liao...after that he sure happy back lor...hahaa...annie tam him lar....zzzz...so sam fu lor..he ar always say bye bye de wor?he menas bye bye is want change school lor....zzzz....then he happy back lor...:p

Guys,tomorrow good luck in your exam ya....hahaha...;)


chat with [小公主]Little Princess

[小公主]Little Princess-跟踪者