αήИı€♥ ~intro

有些人的人生是直达车 有些人却是慢车 中间总要经过许多站,经历许多人 ❤


Pn.Low Retirement


Hi guys,lets talk about yesterday things....umm..yesterday also can say happy lar...But had no fun lor....Yesterday,went i woke up with soh poh,so we chat at room lor...then i went to brush my teeth,my mummy and my daddy when to eat breakfast,After that,i open my computer see my blog's chat box,Omg!!you know what i saw?cna't tell you all..sorry ya..because that also can say is my secret,so i let soh poh see lor...omg omg om1!!i also dun think so she will like this say?so i quick to called jin fai told him that thing...so ntg lor...i dun care ready...

After that,me,soh poh and my sister went to the mines eat breakfast+shopping,so i call jin fai come the mines shopping lor..cause he said he want me+soh poh go kinrara's IOI,but i can't go there,too far ready...so never mind lor..i just shopping with my sister and soh poh lor...then suddenly!soh poh said jin fai and jin yew can come the mines ready!!wah!!!omg!he can come i of cause happy de^^
Then, i dunno what time lar,he reach ready!he sms me told me finding parking..wahaha..he reach ready!!Then we went to macdonald find jin fai and jin yew...i saw jin fai liao,haha..so,we at macdonald seat+chat+drink awhile lor..finish drink,finish chat then we go walk walk....After that,jin fai and jin yew say want to snooker play awhile orh?so,me,soh poh and my sister shopping shopping lor....i already bougth 3 things ready..hohoho...two is [secret]..another one i let you all see lar..

I very love this cup leh!!!you know why?because got write princess name ma...haha..only rm11.90 leh..wow~i love this cup^^

6 something finish shopping,jin fai and jin yew need to went back home,so them mummy fetch me+soh poh+my sister went back my home lor...haha..then soh poh at my house awhile..at my room chat+take pictures lor...hehe...7 something,kent gor fetch her go midvalley lor..

Come,lets talk about today,Today,Pn.low retirement,very '不舍得'lor..:(so i 7 something went to school,so,i saw xiia...she ask me want to go maamk ma?so i said ok lor...went there,i saw jin fai liao..me+xiia+jin fai go 7-11 lor..we chat awhile then i want go back school liao...Start ready...so schoolmaster cry out liao...then many shows let us see lor..i saw jin fai come back liao..haha..so i continue see thw shows lor...

Finish shows,so we went out the car park line up lor...then say 'Goodbye' for Pn.Low...9 something only go back class,then i saw boon jian,jin fai,jin yew,kha leong,xian xi...i listen kha leong said beside my class got one person bully they friend's brother,so they go and 'king shou' orh...so,jin fai go in my class awhile then go out liao..After that turn kha leong,i ask him that day saturday what happen you will angry?haha...he told me ready....he arh...haiz...also [secret] lar..haha...

Recess time...so i find xiia lor..why i can't find her want?so i listen my friend say jin fai let teacher cut hair ready...omg!!i think that time he will very sad+angry lor...so i continue find xiia first then find jin fai...aiyoo..xiia said she at 2h waiting me..let me found you so hard?so we go canteen together lor..i saw jin fai cry?i tot that is jin yew?so i go canteen first lor..After that pui kiet they all pui me found you lor..wah!!that time i also dunno can say what for he?he look like so angry leh..so??i dunno i can do what?

At class i very worry him leh?Teacher din studay,so i sleep awhile lor..then my friends arh come and disturb me yo..aiya,so never mind lor.they all always like this want...so i sleep back lor..i sleep so long leh??KH,got abit study lar.why today so fast finish school want?then i cant saw xiia,i go up with soh mui lor..i tot jin fai went back home liao?went i go up sph poh class i saw him lor...wakaka..i think now you got little mood lar?


chat with [小公主]Little Princess

[小公主]Little Princess-跟踪者